Online abuse: Resources

Online abuse


Staying Safe Online


Advice on staying safe online

Mumsnet: How to keep children safe online

UK Safer Internet Centre: Advice for young people

UK Safer Internet Centre: Advice for parents and carers

Guidance for parents about what children do online, what the risks are, parental controls and how to have conversations

Tips for parents to help make conversations about online safety easier and more effective

Practical ways for parents to keep their children safe, including having conversations, applying privacy settings and parental controls

Tips on what parents should talk to their primary school children about and what information is good to know

Tips on what parents should talk to their children under five about and what information is good to know

Tips on what parents should talk to their teenage children about and what information is good to know

Technology, toys and the internet

Parental controls

Digital Dangers

Online and mobile safety

Online Safety

Think You Know (CEOP)

Claire’s Corner - blog with advice on how to keep children safe from different online harms with recommended further resources.

Online Awareness

Share Aware

Net Aware

Defining online sexual harassment


If you are worried about the mental health or emotional wellbeing of a child or young person

My Mind Matters


For professionals

UK Safer Internet Centre: Professionals Online Safety Helpline

Parent Zone: Be Internet Legends

Working with young people experiencing or at risk of online abuse

E-safety for schools

Support to deliver education and raise awareness of online child exploitation and abuse

Keeping children safe online - online course

Digital 5 A Day in the classroom

PSHE toolkit - Cyberbullying teaching resources

Online safety with young people with autism spectrum

Cyberbullying guidance for schools