Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Play Like Share: resources keeping 8 – 10 year olds safe in friendships and relationships online
You, Your friends & the Internet: Advice for 11-13 year olds
Sex, Relationships & the Internet: Advice for 14+ year olds
Six of the best sex education programmes around the world
What is harmful sexual behaviour
Looking at what harmful sexual behaviour is
Information about the normal sexual development of young people
Video for teenagers about consent and rape
Self-esteem and body image
Relationship Education: Resources
Activities for school children
Activities for work with secondary schools, youth settings and colleges
Resources, training and support for professionals who work directly with children and young people.
Appropriate ways to act in a relationship
Evaluation report of Healthy Relationship Project
If you are worried about the mental health or emotional wellbeing of a child or young person
For professionals
E-learning courses for teachers of RSE
Promoting positive masculinity workshops
Celebrating difference in primary schools