Relationship Violence: Resources
Raising awareness about domestic abuse in young people’s relationships
A campaign to raise awareness about domestic abuse in young people’s relationships
A guide to healthy behaviour in intimate relationships
If you are worried about the mental health or emotional wellbeing of a child or young person
For Professionals
Working with young people experiencing or at risk of domestic abuse
Trauma & Young People: A guide for parents, carers and professionals
Information for education staff to understand violence and abuse of girls
Advice, support and signposting
Helping children and young people to understand domestic abuse
Information and advice - emotional abuse
Information and advice - physical abuse
Information and advice - sexual abuse
Sources of support for victims of abuse in a relationship
A guide to Resources for educators and Youth Workers
What to do if you think a friend or family member is experiencing abuse
Are you worried that you, or someone you know, is being abused by their partner?
What is abuse in a relationship
Signs to spot abuse in a relationship
Consequences of relationship abuse