Parenting: Resources


What to do if a child discloses that they have been a victim of abuse

Guidance On Responding To A Child Disclosing Abuse

Reporting concerns about grooming and sexual abuse


Guides for parents

What is harmful sexual behaviour

Parents Guide to Sexual Bullying and Shaming

Nude selfies:  what parents and carers need to know

Parents Guide to Pornography

Parental Guidance for identifying and managing the issues created  by the grooming and sexual abuse of children under the age of sixteen

Concerned about your child?

Supporting people who have experienced child abuse and trauma

Sexual behaviours: traffic light tool

Helping children to stay safe online

Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online

Google’s Family Link app – helping parents set online guidelines for their children

Dove Self-Esteem Project: Self-esteem and body image

Advice for parents about online pornography

Advice page, informing parents about the risks of online pornography and giving ideas about how to start conversations with their children

Tips on how to talk to your child about pornography


Advice for parents about online abuse

Signposting parents to support, including the NSPCC Helpline, the police, NSPCC resources and books

Giving parents tips on keeping their children safe, including conversation starters, parental controls, and information about the signs of grooming

Protecting your child from abuse online


Guidance for parents about staying safe online

Guidance for parents about what children do online, what the risks are, parental controls and how to have conversations

Tips for parents to help make conversations about online safety easier and more effective

Practical ways for parents to keep their children safe, including having conversations, applying privacy settings and parental controls

Live streaming - Resources on the risks and how to stay safe

Tips on what parents should talk to their primary school children about and what information is good to know

Tips on what parents should talk to their children under five about and what information is good to know

Tips on what parents should talk to their teenage children about and what information is good to know

What is cyberbullying and how to stop it

Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online